vxBase 1.02 December 1, 1991 Release Notes ------------- Release 1.02 corrects a stack overflow problem when evaluating complex filter expressions. Six new functions have also been added: 1. vxBrowseCase 2. vxMemoRead 3. vxReplMemo 4. vxSetErrorCaption 5. vxSetupPrinter 6. vxWindowDereg Restrictions on multiple instances of the same program have also been removed. A new vxBase Task-window manager has been added to attach database select areas to windows. Whenever a window that controls a database gets the input focus, the database attached to that window automatically gets selected. See the "Multitasking and Multiuser Considerations" section in the manual for detailed information. Multiple browse windows are now allowed (up to eight for all tasks). More memo functions have been added to allow editing or displaying memos in Visual Basic text boxes, saving them, and formatting them for printout without having to rely on vxMemoEdit. vxBase now allows 24 dbfs and 32 index areas (all tasks). Index buffer space has been increased to allow indexing very large files on complex key expressions. Installation ------------ vxBase is distributed on a single diskette or on bulletin boards as two compressed .ZIP files. The first ZIP file is vxd101.zip, which contains the documentation in a Windows Write file. This file is essential to understanding and using vxBase. If it is missing, contact the author at the address below. The documentation is separated from the rest of vxBase to allow potential users to preview it before installing and actually using vxBase. This is especially helpful to potential users who extract vxBase from a bulletin board. They can evaluate the system from a documentation standpoint before committing to downloading the larger system. Unzip vxd102.zip and print it out. Users who printed the manual for release 1.01 may consult a list on the first page of the manual that documents the changes and additions to this release. They may print only those pages to bring the manual up to date (except for the Table of Contents). The manual is now more than 160 pages long. It was formatted for an Epson 24-pin printer using standard Roman and Courier fonts. By user request, an Error Messages section has been added to the end of the manual. The second ZIP file (vxb102.zip) contains the sample source code and Visual Basic project files, vxbase.txt which includes all of the Visual Basic declarations for the routines in the vxBase DLL and the vxBase DLL itself. If you are going to upload vxBase to a bulletin board, it must be sent as it was received - in two ZIP files. When the system ZIP file is decompressed, it contains this readme.doc file and 2 more ZIP files. These ZIP files are: vxbdll.zip the vxBase DLL vxbtest.zip sample source code and vxbase.txt To install vxBase, first make a subdirectory under your \vb directory named \vb\vxbtest and copy the vxbtest.zip file there. Unzip it and delete the vxbtest.zip file from your hard disk. To run the sample application it is essential that these files be in directory \vb\vxbtest because this path is hard-coded into the sample code. If you MUST put it somewhere else, you'll have to modify the file names in the source code to reflect your location. Unzip vxbdll.zip and place the resulting file (VXBASE.DLL) in your \windows directory. To run the sample program, see the Sample Application section in the manual. Terry Orletsky Comsoft Inc. #208, 10335 - 172 Street Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T5S 1K9 Phone (403) 489-5994 Fax (403) 486-4335 Compuserve I.D. 70524, 3723